Stop and Surrender Inc.
"Because Tomorrow May Be Too Late."

Organizational Perspective
Board of Directors
Erwin Warfield - President/CEO
Sheila Dickens - Mosley - Board Representative
George Thomas III, MS - Program Director
Dr. Ramesh Parchuri - Medical Director
Stop And Surrender shall have a full-time Project Director for every eight full-time counselors or counselor assistants, or both. It is the policy of Stop And Surrender that a full-time Clinical Supervisor may carry a minimal caseload for the sole purpose of maintaining his/her clinical skills, however, the caseload should be no more than 5 clients.
Ms. Dorothy Warfield - Director of Operations/Finance
Mrs. Shelia Warfield - Assistant to the Director of Operations
Ms. Margie Craddock, MHS - Clinical Supervisor
Mrs. Charmaine Rollerson - Administrative Coordinator
Ms. Latoya Warfield, MHS - Office Manager
Ms. Latoya Warfield MHS - Billing Specialist

Ronald Crawford
Ronald Crawford
MHS - Therapist

BHS - Therapist

Donna Hopson
Donna Hopson

MHS - Therapist